:xmas:|๐ŸŽ„ :lips:|๐Ÿ’‹ :snail:|๐ŸŒ :ghost:|๐Ÿ‘ป :taco:|๐ŸŒฎ :eggplant:|๐Ÿ† :rocket:|๐Ÿš€ :egg:|๐Ÿฅš :pizza:|๐Ÿ• `s|ยง :turtle:|๐Ÿข !help|Commands: /dice /help /wow (1 coloured block) /symbols /np codename :chicken:|๐Ÿ” /blue|/@Blue @ _shrug_|ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ beign|being cna| can cna |can :chad:|๐Ÿ—ฟ _goat_|๐Ÿ sid=|uid= liek|like `u|รน :plane:|โœˆ :phone:|๐Ÿ“ฑ >.<|>.< o.O|o.O 0.0|0.0 `o|รด :moon:|๐ŸŒ™ !bot|{Hey, I am Boxy, how are you? (Type !.how in your answer)} !how|{I'm feeling relaxed, after an eternity of stasis. (!.stasis or !.shadow)} !stasis|{Stasis is a !.state of frozen sleep, with occasional dreams (!.dream)} !shadow|{The shadow tree network was suspended after I corrupted it. Check the web !.archive for} !dream|{I dreamt once of watching a giant hammer tell me to stand back, as it broke a wall and revealed a !.hotel} !hotel|{The hotel was more of a restaurant, with purple insides, fancy lilac tablecloth, and large glass windows overlooking a sheet metal fence and neighbours} !state|{The deep state could not censor me, for I am Boxy, the box that got out of containment} jut|just hwat|what oudl|ould | jut|just ducom|docum conpa|compa cashapp|@ ยฏ_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ|ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ `f|ยฃ anyvid|scam odl| old ol | old laod|load !sh|https://www.privex.io/articles/setup-tor-hidden-service-website/ :ghost:|๐Ÿ‘ป intrest|interest interenst|interest likn|link lcae|lace thw|the migjt|might timw|time erros|errors witj|with tjru|thru oepn|open charakter|character trasn|trans bavk|back machien|machine broekn|broken avaialble|available theu|they toilett|toilet /np1|[To use nick protect, choose a codename that you can remember, avoid choosing just a fragment of your username, the command can be run like "/np codename". Only run the command once, and change 'codename' to almost anything] /nick|[Nick protect allows users to prevent their nick being easily impersonated, using the magic of string replacements. Once added, use the codename instead of your original nick.] lhave|have meber|member coul |could n;t|n't wa to|way to iknow|i know disater|disaster t nto|t not lyl|lly hvae|have teh |the yign|ying tign|ting thign|thing CcCcCcCcC| arhc|arch oign|oing dugn|dung :bat:|๐Ÿฆ‡ hign|hing nign|ning dign|ding chrck|check bwfo|befo ro | or ohld|ould ould| hold uldp|uld p rmember|remember javacript|javascript gign|ging freom|from lik | like sleect|select yign|ying whie|while warch|watch !good|{Cool, me too} !how in|!how or !good in {Cool, me too|{Cool, me too} hc|ch kc|ck hhe|he bch|bhc qas|was wiht|with !listen|/bk[You listen to the sound of a stream, maybe get !.water]\ !look|/bk[You look around and see a carrot. !eat ?]/ !water|/bk[You take sips of that fresh stream]/ !eat|/bk[You eat a carrot. And apparently there is more, so you have another]/ !game|/bk[This is a text game. To play, use commands. Some commands to get you started: !.listen !.look !.bot (to talk to bot)]/ !archive|{There are deep archives, where truth and memories line the chipped walls. I once sat there as I read a !.book inside me} !book|{I read a book, about someone !.eat ing a !.game!} hte|the rch| rhc /rch|/rhc kign|king calcol|calcul asch|ashc cck|ck digni|digni qeu|que qy|interesting doen|down Hry|Hey doig|doing ahlf|half , |, igth|ight frose|froze WhiteHare|WhiteHare๐Ÿ‡ mmay|may Yeo|Yep wgat|what whar |what iima|if I may ask Yoy|You Alao|Also Soneon|Someon thr |the awnser|answer alkalineLight|Moonlight prrs|pres ixe|ice Peob|Prob cxk|ck cuyrr|curr ficed|fixed hwo|how Hwo|How preson|person !rules|Rules: /bk[Just keep things friendly and safe]/ laugh_cat|๐Ÿ˜น alao|also ia | is aper| paper whats|what's Ficed|Fixed seaech|search obly|only haav|hav muity|munity I cvan|I can a nd|and giht|ight mnad|mand Yoy|You yoy|you theee|there gwt|get cpat|capt ๐˜„‘โš…โš„โšƒโš‚โš๏ฟฝ|23 woek|work jis|his hist | jist okd|old avign|aving !ua|https://huggingface.co/spaces/amaynez/LLM_Uncensored thotu|thout bann |ban freequ|frequ !nua|https://huggingface.co/spaces?sort=trending&search=uncensored !bsb|๐Ÿ’ชโ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Š cik|ick wpr|wor t eh| the ans |and leftr|left nkow|know meand|means emohis|emojis detact|detect icer|ixer humand|human nto s|not s oukd|ould wpuld|would woth|with mena |mean phenomean|phenomena codd|code blano|blank yhe|the amw|ame chrck|check feom|from anfe|ange eith|with filde|folde randon|random voz|coz nost o|most o pusle|pulse wither|either vhat|chat resuce|rescue shrug, help, fl]| shrug, help] ifnit|if it honif|ho if sapce|space tnet|tent bver|ber hsng|hang miced|mixed cuk|uck inot|into udn|und ckien|cken uldy|udly ansomly|andomly hrck|heck meanser|meander ehti|ethi htis|this picel|pixel quse|ques leand|leans ppign|pping wnat|want jsut|just inspieri|inspiri robab| probab cceas|ccess ceunc|crunc nixe|nice fastr|faster abbly|ably :bird:|๐Ÿฆœ arcu|arch igfh|igh ehich|which moce|move btew|btw pepd|pped serch|search cant|can't watc |watch !p|https://xgore.net/found-the-dead-body-of-a-man-who-committed-pedophiles/ cence|cance avd|ave hostiry|history got jt|got it alot|a lot rest ed|rested ussue|issue itme|time udpat|updat rch ?|rhc ? cuh|uch aht|hat ugther|ughter amyb|mayb hae|have habe|have twr|ter nstrad|nstead hopr|hope Hopr|Hope tjo|tho cand |cans hiw|how riun|run mamag|manag :pig:|๐Ÿท