100 PHP files
av.php Audio and Image CAPTCHA
des.php DES random passwords
X-story.php First PHP Stories
0.php Code editor (locked) #
1.php Directory viewer (locked) #
2.php Latency test #
3.php Login #
4.php Password tester (numeric)
5.php Bcrypt benchmarking #
6.php Zip archive
7.php Deep arrays
8.php Cache size
9.php 1000 Character SQRT
10.php Reversible Hash*
11.php Pi Calc
12.php Broken zip page
13.php 10k random bytes
14.php All hashes*
15.php XOR a file
Image based
16.php Trig graphics
17.php Radar pics
18.php Sierpinski Triangle*
19.php SinCosTan pics
20.php CRC32 IDs*
21.php ASCII Characters
22.php 3 Random Colours
23.php Constellation generator
24.php Colourful lines
25.php Base Converter (NEW)
26.php TextGen
27.php TextView
28.php Chat #
29.php File size example
30.php The Iterator (stackoverflow)*
31.php Public-Private keys (disabled, php.net)*
32.php Microtime loop
33.php Decrypter
34.php Cron
35.php $_REQUEST view
36.php Database
37.php Coloured code prototype (stack overflow)*
38.php Coloured code prototype (w3schools)*
39.php PRNG random numbers
40.php CRC32 decoder #
41.php CRC32 decoder 2
42.php Quantum code generator
43.php Number Guessing game $
44.php Memory filled Hasher
45.php Simulated thermostat, file in ram
46.php Mandelbrot Set * (github)
47.php HTTP 418 Teapot *
48.php Random dictionary words
49.php Deletes itself after 20 views
50.php It's pink time! *
51.php Spin the colours #
52.php Random float
53.php Random page
54.php File upload #
55.php Old online test
56.php Answer to Code question
57.php Time travel
58.php OpenSSL passGen
59.php A better random page?!
60.php Screenshot resistance :)
61.php File splitter code
62.php Uptime
63.php Random unicode (with php-intl)
64.php Redirect trip
65.php CAPTCHA timer
66.php Symbol generator
67.php CSS clock #
68.php BCPOW fractional ^
69.php Users since restart
70.php Custom text
71.php Form for RAMdisk
72.php Blog (time release complete)
73.php Procedurally generated squares (cached)
74.php Add ?p=x for rainbow table x
75.php Argon password hash
76.php Nginx invalid header test
77.php Timing from 97.php
78.php Image caching test
79.php Access code demo #
80.php Hosting ad
82.php Preg match success
83.php Template
86.php Commit calendar ^#
87.php Files modified recently
88.php x.dat random retrieval
89.php Random images
90.php Earth ^
91.php Pick image
92.php Clouds ^
93.php Random rect image ^
94.php Lined Rainbow ^
95.php Gradient rainbow ^
96.php Base64 Shaped
97.php Random polygons ^
98.php Template + RanDate
99.php LCG Random numbers*
^ = coded with ChatGPT assistance...
* = mostly non-original code
# = time consuming
90% of the other code may be mine
(I'm guessing, I also started citing things)
writer2.php Encrypt text
temp.dat 32MB of data.
Created by Aera23
This site was developed since October 2021, onionised on March 2023
Additionally, I have a sandboxed site that can be edited, using
my main editor or
the wiki
Extra details
0.php - My self-made site editor.
I developed this to avoid having to login at the hosting panel, then have to select a file to edit out of hundreds.
I have upgraded it to allow restoring files multiple times. It changes the position of a text box when editing, so you don't overwrite the wrong file.
Once, a few years ago, I was editing my chat page. I then typed ca.txt instead of g3.php somehow, and lost many lines of text. Also, the page will only display Hey there! without the login cookie, and a login code even with it.
2.php - The latency tester.
This was developed in a public library. I wanted to get the script to infinitely measure latency, but iframes don't allow recursion. It can help me check the performance of the site, and/or my network connection. Since the iframe needs to be rendered before it finishes measuring, this can also measure the delay in loading the site. I added colours that vary depending on latency.
3.php - Autosaving text
This was created because I wanted to test account creation. I first converted it into a text editor, and then added my own encryption. Finally, I added autosaving, the ability to change passwords and delete accounts.
4.php - Password cracking test
This was created because I wanted to test how easy it is to crack passwords on my test accounts. After discovering that the crack rate was 1 million crc32 hashes per seconds, and all 4 billion possible hashes can be discovered in a few minutes, I switched to fnv164 with 1000 iterations. Now the hash rate is under 1000 hashes per second. To put this into perspective, a truly random password with 8 lowercase letters / numbers has 2,821,109,907,456 total combinations, and every extra character makes that number 36x larger.
5.php - The hash tester.
I copied from a php.net password hash example, and began editing it, with style, and a variety of time limits. I briefly made the time limit customisable, before only hashing at level 4 (quick hash) and extrapolating, which was somewhat accurate, as well as safer, preventing large values from slowing the server down. The estimate is typically a little higher than my measured values during testing, I tried to compensate for it too.
i.php - Imaginary numbers
My favourite tool to use, yet the hardest thing to perfect. Getting basic math working was simple, but polar & rectangular coordinates was a nightmare! Even the trigonometry functions didn't neatly reverse themselves for a while, when using degrees. Then finally, I added exponential imaginary numbers, maintained code for php 8, and it is probably finished
stopwatch.php - Stopwatch
after reading about iphone stopwatch reaching a record of 10,000 hours, I was eager to create a stopwatch of my own. Since Samsung phones limit themselves to 100 hours, a php website stopwatch was the way to go. This page stores the stopwatch time in a file called time.txt, and measures the difference between the time and the file. Once started (by visiting the site initially), the stopwatch will continue for as long as the file exists.
The images on the site are drawn with PHP GD. I asked ChatGPT to create image drawing scripts with features like rainbows, random rectangles and lines, and even a clip art of the earth. I did edit some of the scripts lightly, reducing the amount of rectangles and lines, adding the ability to view the same image again, and adding a timestamp. The gallery script and the text tower was created by me though.
98.php - Template
After examining the source code for wordpress header, I decided to recreate it, with my own twist. I initially made it blue, but changed it to purple after discovering that the colours don't look good when inverted. The page may take a few seconds to load because it calls chk.php, a file checking script.
chk.php - check files
This file checking script works by comparing the md5 hashes of several large files. If any of them change this may signal an aging hard drive. This was developed about a year ago.